Download Android App Player For BlackBerry PlayBook

โดย Wattana S.
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RIM’s Android app player for PlayBook leaked and the company has not said when the Android player will become officially available, but that hasn’t stopped someone from digging around the RIM servers and finding a download link. The App Player doesn’t just let you install Android apps on your tablet, t also provides an emulated Android environment and you can also use the Android web browser, calendar, contact manager and other built-in apps as well as any third party apps you install……………

Android App Player leaks out on to BlackBerry PlayBook and it’s a big part of its future, being able to access many of the 250,000 Android apps available was a large selling point for the PlayBook. It appears you lucky PlayBook owners can get your hands on the App Player early because a few prying eyes over at N4BB found a pre-release version of the app emulator. After reaching out to our contacts regarding the leak RIM has replied and as a courtesy we have removed the download link. This is what RIM had to say:

An older version of the Android App Player beta software for the BlackBerry PlayBook was inadvertently posted and has since been removed. We recommend that users refrain from downloading and installing this software since it is outdated and non-functional in many respects. The official beta release of the Android App Player for the BlackBerry PlayBook is on track for release later this summer.”

This version is based around Android 2.3.3 so it wont work with the select android 3.0Honeycomb apps available and while that list is still not that large it would be nice to take advantage of those apps. The app itself is controlled through a series of swipe gestures and you to side-load the .bar file to install. A quick Google search for DDPB installer will show you how to side-load easily and it should have more user interface elements as well as more features when it finally launches.

Download PlayBook Android App Player from:

Mirror download links:



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